Additionally, we welcome anyone interested in joining one of the finest and oldest continuously organizations in Anarchy Online. Anyone interested in joining us, please take the time to read About EOD, our history, rules, and benefits of being a EOD member.
EOD Website Returns to the Internet
Announcement that EOD Returns to the Internet: After weeks of deleting thousands of spam users that were clogging the website, ElementsofDestruction.com is now back online! It has been a great struggle to keep websites on the internet as of late without be polluted with bots and spammers attempting to penetrate websites around the world. Here at EOD, we do not+
Elements Under Construction
Good News. After years if trying, we finally secured control of our Noob/Towers Organization, “Elements Under Construction”! The bot for+
New EOD Raidbot
Eodraid is the new Raidbot for Elements of Destruction. It currently uses the latest version of Budabot. We can use+
Website URL Change
The URL to the EOD portal has changed to elementsofdestruction.com. You will no longer need to use the portal prefix.+
New Rules for Squad Commanders
New Rules for Squad Commanders issued: The following is a revised rule listing that was originally posted by Obinone in+
New EOD IRC Server
The use of our EOD IRC channel at irc.funcom.com has been deprecated. We are now using a new Irc Server that will+
December 2012 Promotions
Elements of Destruction is proudly announcing the promotions of two valuable players to General. Sheikian and Enbalmed Sheikian: Sheikian, also+
New Website
A New Elements of Destruction Website in creation. Please be patient as I am working to develop a more modern+