Good News. After years if trying, we finally secured control of our Noob/Towers Organization, “Elements Under Construction”! The bot for that org is Eucbot, and is linked to Eodbot. We already have some new members joining the organization. This org also can be used for AI farming once we can afford 2 cities. Since this is primarily a froob/farm/tower org,
New EOD Raidbot
Eodraid is the new Raidbot for Elements of Destruction. It currently uses the latest version of Budabot. We can use the bot for raiding, auctions and other purposes. The bot will allow players outside the organization participate but only EOD members can be raid leaders. This is due to outside players abusing our bots. If anyone wants to be added
Website URL Change
The URL to the EOD portal has changed to You will no longer need to use the portal prefix. This was done to improve rankings on search engines which were not handling sub-domains very well. Kilmanagh